Since morning, we had been waiting for improvisation classes, which were led by two amazing people: Natalio and Kacper. In my opinion the classes were really well-judged. We started with a small warm-up in order to prepare our vocal tracts to singing. It was amazing. The warm-up incorporated a variety of interesting exercises which helped us not only to prepare for improvisation sessions but also cheered us up. I can perfectly remember one exercise in which everyone had to introduce a person from another choir. It was really funny and pleasant experience. One could have seen themselves through the eyes of others.
Another step included rhythmic classes conducted by Kacper. Beginning with simple rhythms, we mastered more complicated ones, and then Kacper divided us into four groups which were performing different rhythms at the same time - and in that way we created a quite good drum set band.
Actually, as it appeared later, improvisation needs careful preparation. We came across with two types of pentatonic scale (major and minor), which additionally helped us in improvisation.
We were taking on a lot of different tasks, however I liked the exercises the purpose of which was to tell a story of any kind. Igor and Milan improvised on chestnut mare. Have a look how they managed to do it :).
All our effort concentrated on creating our own short pieces which one could hear by the end of the workshops. I have to admit that despite very long classes, the time flew by very fast. We have seen a really interesting view on the world of music through the eyes of creators.
After resting and dinner we went back to the old Powder Magazine Theatre where Anna Bajak waited for us. I have to say that classes with her gave me a lot of strength and energy since Anna is not an ordinary conductor - she is a woman with surplus energy and great prospects. In the rehearsal, we quickly learnt the song "Cziom Ty nie prijszoł", and then we practised the concert songs. During the brakes, Anna told us some stories of gospel songs, which helped us in understanding how we should perform these types of songs.
Sviatlana Zadreiko
photo: Kasia Anuszewska